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Researchers say careful excavations have revealed the first examples of Mayan art on a house interior No world ending in latest Mayan calendar find

Friday, 11 May 2012
The earliest known Mayan calendar has been found in an ancient house in Guatemala and it offers no hint that the world's end is imminent, say researchers.

Subjects: archaeology, ancient-religions Locations: guatemala

X-rays reveal several Egyptian mummies had hardening of the arteriesNot just fast food: mummies had heart disease

Thursday, 19 November 2009
The hardening of arteries, which is often linked to heart attacks and strokes, is not just a modern phenomenon, according to new research showing ancient Egyptian pharaohs had heart disease too.

Subjects: diet-and-nutrition, diseases-and-disorders, heart-disease, ancient-religions Locations: egypt, united-states

The recent archaeological finds come from the Nazca civilisation, which flourished in Peru between 300 and 800 AD Archaeologists unearth Peruvian sacrifices

Thursday, 18 September 2008Article has photo slideshow
Three teams of archaeologists in Peru have in the past week uncovered remains of human sacrifices carried out by ancient civilisations, including the skeleton of a pregnant woman.

Subjects: history, archaeology, ancient-religions, rites-and-ritual Locations: italy, peru

Were Egypt's great ancient monuments carved from stone or cast like concrete? New fossil evidence, found intact and embedded in the monument walls, reignites the debate Pyramids packed with fossil shells

Monday, 28 April 2008
Many of Egypt's most famous monuments, such as the Sphinx and Cheops pyramid at Giza, contain hundreds of thousands of marine fossils, according to a new study.

Subjects: archaeology, earth-sciences, geology, palaeontology, ancient-religions Locations: egypt, france, greece

Villagers and tourists celebrate next to the Kukulkan pyramid at the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza in Mexico's Yucatan peninsulaMayan apocalypse, 2012

Tuesday, 15 April 2008 [an error occurred while processing this directive] commentsArticle has audio
Great Moments in Science If you observe the ancient Mayan calendar, then your time's running out. Dr Karl has been rummaging through ancient Mayan scribblings that are said to indicate an apocalyptic end by 2012.

Subjects: popular-culture, archaeology, planets-and-asteroids, the-universe, mathematics, ancient-religions, greatmomentsinscience Locations: mexico

The Mayan people of the Yucatan Peninsula built soaring temples before the Spanish conquest in the early 1500s Ancient Maya sacrified boys not girls

Wednesday, 23 January 2008
The victims of human sacrifice by Mexico's ancient Mayans, who threw children into water-filled caverns, were likely boys and young men not virgin girls as previously believed, says an archaeologist.

Subjects: archaeology, ancient-religions, rites-and-ritual Locations: mexico

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