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Granny forgets as she's easily distracted

Friday, 16 September 2005


Older people can focus on tasks but find it hard to block out distractions, new research suggests (Image: US Library of Congress, Connie Thompson)

Older people may have poor memories as they cannot ignore background information while focusing on the task at hand, researchers say.

Dr Adam Gazzaley and colleagues from the University of California, Berkeley, publish their research online in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

"We were interested in how memory and attention change with ageing, to see if changes in [nerve] activity might be associated with changes in performance," says Gazzaley.

So the researchers performed specialised MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, scans on the brains of healthy people as they participated in memory and attention tests.

There were 17 people aged 19 to 30 and 16 aged 60 to 77.

The researchers showed them three series of human faces and scenic landscapes, and told them to remember faces and ignore scenes, remember scenes and ignore faces, or passively view both types of picture without trying to remember them.

After a 9-second delay, the researchers tested them on how well they recognised the chosen picture.

The MRIs showed that both groups had enhanced activity in a brain region called the posterior cortex when asked to remember scenes, compared with when they were asked to ignore scenes.

But only 44% of older people, compared with 88% of younger people, could block activity in this region when asked to suppress irrelevant information.

Older people also didn't do so well in the working memory tasks. They weren't as accurate as younger people and were slower.

Now, pay attention

"Attention is a two-sided coin, which involves both the need to focus on relevant information as well as suppressing information that is irrelevant or distracting," says Gazzaley.

"We found that focusing on relevant information is not enough.

"In ageing there seems to be preserved ability to focus on information that is relevant for the task but a deficit in suppressing information that is distracting."

The researchers also identified a subpopulation of older people who performed as well as the younger ones.

Gazzley says this "is a cause for optimism, encouraging us to look for clues for successful ageing".

Based on this, he says, the team now plans to evaluate drugs used to treat Alzheimer's disease, such as donepezil, and different rehabilitation programs "to see if we can correct the suppression deficit and if that leads to improved short-term memory".

Tags: health, older-people, biology, neuroscience

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