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Volcanic El Niño theory erupts


Could volcanic eruptions increase the chance of an El Niño event and in the process contribute to droughts? (Reuters/David Gray)

The vast quantities of dust and greenhouse gasses spewed out by tropical volcanoes may double the chance of an El Niño event that year, according to new U.S. research that has resurrected a controversial theory.

But an Australian expert says that if there is a connection between the two, an El Niño event is more likely to increase the chance of volcanoes erupting rather then volcanoes increasing the chance of an El Niño event.

Brad Adams of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and colleagues report in today's issue of the journal Nature on their study of climate records and volcanic activity extending back hundreds of years.

Scientists believe El Niño events are caused by interactions between the Pacific Ocean and the atmosphere. These can lead to dramatic climate changes including crippling droughts in Australia and dangerous flash floods in the desert areas of South America.

Adams and colleagues used records of El Niño events from tree rings, coral growth and ice cores along with records of dust from volcanic eruptions preserved in polar ice dating back to the mid-seventeenth century. El Niño events seemed to be more frequent after tropical volcanoes erupted.

This is not the first time researchers have suggested a link between volcanic activity and El Niño, although earlier studies had relied only on thermometer measurements going back only 100 years.

According to Dr Neville Nicholls, who is leader of the climate forecasting group at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, the U.S. researchers have done the best job yet linking volcanic activity with El Niños. But he is unconvinced that volcanoes increase the risk of El Niños.

"There was a rash of those sort of studies 15 years ago and I was involved in debunking them 15 years ago," said Nicholls.

Nicholls said that the U.S. researchers used sea surface temperatures in the eastern Pacific during the peak of the event as their index of an El Niño, rather than the beginning of the event typically nine months earlier.

He said that from his research critiquing previous papers, he found that when the start of the El Niño was used instead of the peak, volcanoes were typically found to have erupted after the climatic event had started.

"If there is a relationship then it's actually more likely to be El Niño causing eruptions rather than the other way simply because the eruptions that I was looking at, that other people had cited as evidence, tended to occur after the El Niño started," he told ABC Science Online.

Nicholls said El Niños alter the earth's winds and currents in a way that can even change the rotation of the earth and subsequently the length of the day. He said this could put enormous stress on the surface of the planet.

But, more importantly, said Nicholls, scientists already have an effective model for El Niños, coupled ocean-atmosphere models that can simulate and predict El Niño events.

"If we can do that, then where's the room for volcanoes to be the trigger?"

Tags: environment, climate-change, geography