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Temporary Beauty 1

Botulinum toxin (named after the Latin word for sausage) is a powerful toxin. After a humble beginning as a poison, it is now being used to help people walk and also, to remove wrinkles. In fact, this toxin forced the famous frankfurter to be red!

Way back in 1793, in Wildbad in Germany, 13 people all shared an uncooked smoked sausage. They soon became very ill, and six of them died. The Latin word for sausage is "botulus", so their disease was called "botulism". These unfortunate people were attacked by one of the most powerful toxins known to the human race, which is now being used medically to help people walk - and to remove wrinkles. In fact, this toxin forced the chemists to do fancy work - which kept frankfurters red.

If the frankfurter were processed in the regular way to stop the growth of the bacterium that releases this toxin - Clostridium botulinum - then the meat of the frankfurter would lose its magnificent red colour. So the chemists added colourless nitrates or nitrites of sodium or potassium - which stopped the bacterium and did not interfere with the famous red colour. The bacteria was eventually isolated by Émile van Ermengem in 1893.

Many of the Clostridium family of bacteria are unfriendly to humans. They live in the soil, or in water, or in the gut of humans and animals. They look like tiny rods - about half a micron (or millionth of a metre) across and about 5 microns long. Clostridium tetani causes tetanus, while Clostridium perfringens causes gas gangrene. Clostridium perfringens produces gas, which easily pushes its way between the layers of the skin, where the adhesion is relatively low. The flesh of somebody afflicted with gas gangrene feels like bubble wrap, with the bubbles a few millimetres across.

And finally, there's Clostridium botulinum which causes botulism. The bacterium doesn't like air, so the inside of a smoked sausage or a can of food is an ideal home. Actually, there are at least seven different varieties of Clostridium botulinum, each of which produces a different toxin. But it's Botulinum Toxin A, also called Botulinum toxin, that has most of the medical uses.

The toxin is quite fragile - two minutes at 70oC will destroy it. The bacterium that makes it is also quite fragile - 10 minutes at 80oC will kill it. But it's the spore (the baby bacteria, the next generation) that is very tough. It can survive several hours of boiling. You need moist heat at 120oC to be sure of killing it. You can easily get this in a commercial food canning factory, but not at home if you are doing some home food canning - you'd need an industrial-grade pressure cooker. This spore is so tough that it can also survive extreme drying out, and most detergents and toxic chemicals.

The toxin interferes with nerve conduction by binding to the ends of your nerves. Once affected, your nerves can't release their essential neurotransmitter chemicals, so they can't talk to other nerves or muscles - which means that any muscles controlled by those nerves are paralysed. The toxin will not let go of those nerve endings. But after a few days, the nerve endings will start to grow new nerve endings which are free to release neurotransmitters, and so, over a few months, you do recover your full normal muscle control.

This toxin is so powerful that you need only 100 billionths of a gram to cause death. In fact, you need so little for medical uses, that in 1995, doctors around the world were still using some of that original medical batch made some 18 years earlier in 1977!

If you are unlucky enough to eat some botulinum toxin, after a few hours, you will notice the first sign - the muscles of your eyelids will be paralysed. You will next lose the ability to speak, and then to swallow - and finally, to breathe. People die in every outbreak of botulism, and the death rate varies from 2% to 100%.

Our current medical science can't kick the toxin off the nerves - we have to wait for new nerve endings to grow. So to tide the patient over the period that the new nerve endings take to grow, the doctors will drill a hole into the throat (a tracheostomy), and install an air pipe. They then use an artificial respirator to pump air in and out of the lungs, and after a few days or weeks, the patient might survive.

There is an experimental chemical, guanidine hydrochloride, that has been used to fight the action of the toxin on the nerve endings. Unfortunately, it's very toxic itself, and is used only in extreme cases when all else has failed - but there have been a few successful treatments.

So this botulinum toxin is really nasty. But would you believe that people are injecting it into their faces? In fact, it's one of the most popular cosmetic surgery techniques of all time. I'll give you all the gory details next time...

Tags: health

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Published 18 March 2002

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