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Runaway Stars

Our Sun is just one star out of the 400 billion stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The Milky Way galaxy rotates slowly, once every 250 million years. But while most of the stars in the Milky Way keep in step with its slow and stately rotation, there are a few "Runaway Stars". These Runaway Stars zip along at around 200 kilometres every second, relative to other nearby stars. And now, thanks to some Science started over 2,000 years ago, we're beginning to understand what kicked them out of step with their neighbouring stars.

It's all to do with binary stars. When you look up at the stars at night, you might think that they're all individual stars. But according to the astronomers, about half of the stars in our galaxy are actually in double or triple systems, where they go in small circles around each other. So binary stars - a pair of stars going around each other - are actually very common.

The astronomers have two main theories to explain these Runaway Stars. One theory says that one of the two stars in a binary system explodes as a supernova. A supernova puts out as much energy in a few seconds, as all of the rest of the stars in our galaxy do in their entire life times. So a supernova definitely has enough energy to kick the remaining star off into space at some 200 kilometres per second or better. This theory is called the Supernova Ejection Theory.

The other theory is called the Dynamical Ejection Theory. Imagine that you have two binary star systems on a collision course - four stars in all. If they come close enough to each other, the gravitational forces can tear apart one of the binary pairs, sending off each individual star as a Runaway Star.

The person who started the Science that gave us the answer was a Greek called Hipparchus. Back in the second century BC, he was a mathematician, philosopher and astronomer. Using just his naked eyes, he measured both the brightness and position of 1,080 stars.

Over 2,000 years later, in 1989, the Hipparcos Satellite (High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite) was launched.

The first mission of Hipparcos was to measure various astronomical factors of some 118,000 stars. These included their distance, motion, luminosity, mass, size and age. Its second mission was to do the same thing again to some 400,000 stars, but at a lower precision.

For its primary goal, Hipparcos was supposed to measure the positions of the stars accurate to one millisecond of arc. What does this mean, in Plain English? Well, the dome of the sky is 180 degrees from horizon to horizon, and one degree is 180 times smaller - or roughly twice the size of the Sun or the Moon (as seen from the ground). An arc second is 3,600 times smaller, and a milliarcsecond is 1,000 times smaller again. So one milliarcsecond is an incredibly small angle. It's equivalent to the size of a human on the Moon as seen from the Earth, or of a golf ball seen from one side of the Atlantic to the other. This accuracy is 100,000 times better than Hipparchus achieved over 2,000 years ago. The telescope mirror on the Hipparcos satellite is so smooth that if it were the size of the Atlantic, the highest bump would be only 10 centimetres tall.

Ronni Hoogerwerf and colleagues, at Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands, were able to use data from Hipparcos and other telescopes to help solve the mystery of the Runaway Stars. He traced back in time the paths of 18 of these Runaway Stars. He found evidence to support both theories.

For example two stars, zeta-Ophiuchi and a neutron star romantically called PSR J1932+1059, had their paths retraced backwards - and the paths crossed one million years ago. So almost certainly, one million years ago, one of the two stars in a binary pair exploded in a supernova and turned into the neutron star PSR J1932+1059, and that colossal explosion booted zeta-Ophiuchi off into space as a solitary Runaway Star. That observation supports the Supernova Ejection theory.

Dr. Hoogerwerf also traced back the paths of another two individual Runaway Stars and a binary pair of stars (iota-Orionis) to one single point in space and time, two and a half million years ago. So those four stars support the Dynamical Ejection theory, where two binary star systems run into each other and the intense gravitational fields split one of the binary systems, and send both of its stars off into space.

So far, he's checked only 18 stars - which is a very small sample size. But so far two-thirds of the Runaway Stars seem to be created by one star exploding in a supernova, and one-third involve close encounters between two sets of binaries.

This almost seems to mirror some human success stories. For every shooting star that flies high and bright, there's another - that's been burnt out and neutralised...

More Info

Stars run away for two reasons - Nature 29/11/00

From Hipparchus to Hipparcos: Measuring the Universe, One Star at a Time

The Hipparcos Space Astrometry Mission

Tags: astronomy-space

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Published 29 October 2001