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Chilli - Nuclear Food 3

In the last instalment in the Great Chilli Series Karl tells us of some unusual uses for chilli - as a shark-repellant, a fuel efficiency agent for boats, and a cure for itchy anuses.

Last time I talked about how we measure the heat of chillies, and how they are used in non-lethal weapons. But we are now discovering how to use chillies in medicine.

Dr. Khay Guan Yeoh, from the National University Hospital in Singapore, found that chilli dishes can give protection from stomach ulcers.

He and his team worked with 18 healthy volunteers. They gave them 600 mg of aspirin, which is known to cause temporary ulcers in the stomach. They used a gastroscope to look at their stomachs, both before and after the aspirin.

Without the chilli, 600 mg of aspirin gave the volunteers 4 temporary little ulcers. But if the volunteers had eaten 20 gm of chilli powder 30 minutes before they had the aspirin, they had only 1.5 ulcers. The chilli powder protected them against stomach ulcers.

The scientists aren't sure how the chilli powder works. One theory claims the chilli might work by increasing blood flow to the mucosal lining of the stomach. In turn, this could start the mucosal lining making protective chemicals called prostaglandins.

Another study shows that chilli can reduce pain in cancer patients.

Treating a cancer is fairly straightforward - "slash and burn". The surgeon "slashes" the cancer with a scalpel to remove as much of it as possible. Then the oncologists "burn" what is left with drugs, or radiation, or both.

The drugs (chemotherapy) kill the fast-growing cells in the cancer - and everywhere else in the body, including in the mouth. In fact, 40-70% of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy complain of a sore mouth. The pain can be bad enough to interfere with speaking and eating.

Dr. Ann Berger of the Yale Cancer Centre, and Professor Linda Bartoshuk from the Ear Nose and Throat section of the Department of Surgery also at Yale, did research into Pain Relief. They added cayenne pepper to a soft chewy toffee, giving it a 100 Scoville Unit rating. The capsaicin (one of the active ingredients in chillies) over-stimulated branches of the trigeminal nerve in the mouth, and left it temporarily unable to respond to other pain stimuli.

This treatment was superior to other pain relieving treatments such as anaesthetics or narcotics - these made it difficult for the cancer patients to chew. The patients were asked to rate their mouth pain from 1 to 10 (least to worst). The Capsaicin Candy reduced the intensity of the mouth pain from a rating of 6 to only 1.5 - and this improvement lasted for several hours.

Other scientists are now looking at using chilli derivatives to treat chronic pain such as arthritis, shingles, diabetic neuropathy and spinal-cord injuries.

But at the time, most of the local male doctors dismissed the female doctors conducting the toffee experiment as "a couple of broads making candy".

Capsaicin is also being used to treat patients with hypersensitive and hyper-reflexic bladders. Here the patients complain of pain in the bladder, the sudden onset of the need to urinate, and a very high frequency of such a need.

The study involved squirting very small quantities of capsaicin directly into the bladder. This treatment reduced the pain, frequency and urgency for up to 16 days - and then the symptoms gradually returned.

The capsaicin probably reduced the sensitivity of the nerves in the bladder wall.

There are many odd uses for chilli.

Chillies can make you eat more. Your stomach has stretch receptors, to monitor how full it is. These stretch receptors are connected to nerves, which tell your brain when your stomach is full. Chilli in your stomach can inhibit these nerves. Eat chilli, and eat more.

The Cuna Indians of Panama would trail a string of chillies behind their canoes, when they went to sea. This was supposed to discourage sharks from attacking.

Another novel use for chilli is as an anti-fouling agent on boat hulls, and other underwater structures. Barnacles increase the drag on a moving boat, and can increase the fuel bill by 30%. The hot chilli apparently repels any barnacles, mussels and tubeworms that want to take up home.

Chilli has also been used on underground cables to stop rodents from chewing on them, to repel cats and dogs, and encourage people not to bite their fingernails.

And finally, an ancient Coptic remedy reads, "Someone with an itching anus: Knead the honey with burnt wolf's dung around with white pepper. Let the patient drink it. But first claim your fee."

Tags: health, biology

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Published 23 August 2001