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Mood and Mind

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Depression and #ReasonsToStayAlive

All In The Mind - October 11, 2015
At the age of 24, acclaimed novelist Matt Haigs world suddenly fell aparthe could no longer see a reason to live. When Stephen Fry tweeted in praise of Matt Haigs latest book Reasons to Stay Alive, the twittersphere exploded. Haigs memoir is an honest and inspiring account of how he emerged from severe depression and anxiety,and learned to live again.In this program he shares the advice he gives himself about how to make the most of our time on earth.

Tags: health, depression, mental-health, psychology

Professionalism of sport: a threat to good health

Big Idea - October 6, 2015
They're held up on a pedestal, loved and berated by the fans, they experience both incredible highs and lows, but what happens to the professional athlete when the glare of the spotlights and the roar of the crowd is over? For many they've spent their whole careers cocooned from normal life and because of the demands created by the professionalisation of sport - are they perhaps more prone to mental health issues than others in the community? Jeff Kennett has observed first hand the pressures they face and says much more can be done to assist these elite athletes manage their mental health and the inevitable adjustment to life after professional sport. Highlights of 'Professionalism of sport a threat to good health'. Deakin University's David Parkin oration for sport and social change. Federation Square Melbourne 1st July 2015 Presented as part of the ABC's

Tags: community-and-society, mental-health, sport

Training for Joy

Saturday Breakfast RN - October 5, 2015
Replacing weights with irrigation pipes, a track and field oval with your driveway and a medicine ball with moon rocks, these are just a few of the items lying around farms that can help farmers in their daily exercise regimes. Who needs the gym. Joy McClymont develops personalised exercise programs for those living remotely, helping them both to improve physical health as well as mental health well being. It's also the opportunity to connect.

Tags: small-business, community-and-society, health, exercise-and-fitness, mental-health, rural

You've gotta laugh!

All In The Mind - October 4, 2015
Living with mental illness is no laughing matter but when stand-up comedians draw on their own personal experience for their material it can be therapeutically powerful and hilarious. All in the Mind goes for laughs to explore how raw honesty and comedy can combine to stand up against the stigma around mental illness. Todays program is part of the ABCs 2015 Mental As campaign to raise awareness about mental illness.

Tags: comedy-humour, mental-health, psychology

Training for Joy

Saturday Breakfast RN - October 3, 2015
Replacing weights with irrigation pipes, a track and field oval with your driveway and a medicine ball with moon rocks, these are just a few of the items lying around farms that can help farmers in their daily exercise regimes. Who needs the gym. Joy McClymont develops personalised exercise programs for those living remotely, helping them both to improve physical health as well as mental health well being. It's also the opportunity to connect.

Tags: small-business, community-and-society, health, exercise-and-fitness, mental-health, rural

Psychoanalysis: a contemporary treatment?

All In The Mind - September 13, 2015
Since Freudian times, psychoanalytical thinking has been highly influential across the fields of psychiatry, psychology and even art and filmbut as a mode of treating mental illness it's often been criticised. With limited health resources and pressure for the quick fix for mental illness, could psychoanalysis actually be an adjunct treatment for trauma and serious disorders option when combined with modern neurosciencecould it be a treatment for our times?

Tags: mental-health, psychology

Everyone is watching

All In The Mind - September 6, 2015
Imagine being convinced that you are the star of the most popular reality TV show on the planetPeter Weirs 1998 film The Truman Show may spring to mind. For some people with whats known as the Truman Show Delusion, the concept of this film is disturbingly real. We hear one mans experience of this delusion, and a psychiatrist who reflects on the impact that popular culture can have on our mental health. Joel Werner reports from New York.

Tags: popular-culture, mental-health, neuroscience

The distracted mind

All In The Mind - August 30, 2015
We are being bombarded with information in the digital age with emails, phones calls, and messages constantly competing for our attention. How is this influencing the way our brains function? According to neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin, multitasking does not come naturally to usit leads to poor decision making, makes us less efficient and increases our stress hormone cortisol. Levitin discusses alternative strategies to surviving in the age of information overload and discusses case studies of how musicians he's worked with have developed more organised minds.

Tags: music, stress, computers-and-technology, neuroscience, psychology

The addicted mind

All In The Mind - August 23, 2015
Addiction, whether it be to substances or behaviours, can cause havoc in peoples lives. But the addicted mind is complex, and we know from past history that theres no easy fix. In this program, we hear a neuroscientists personal experience of insatiable drug taking, and a controversial yet compassionate perspective from a physician suggesting that the main source of addiction is not to be found in genes but in the childhood environment..

Tags: drugs-and-substance-abuse, addictive, science-and-technology, psychology

It's time to pay attention

Big Idea - August 17, 2015
For many of us modern life is lived at a frenetic pace and is full of countless distractions.Its compounded by increasing demands of work and the 24/7 digital age. So can you imagine Isaac Newton even noticing a falling apple if he was dashing from one meeting to the next barking instructions on his cell phone or would Shakespeare have finished the Tempest if he was battling the trolls on his Twitter account? Authors Martina Sheehan and Susan Pearse have taken this contemporary challenge head on and at the launch of their new book One Moment they offer some advice on how to slow down, be present and start paying attention to what is actually going around you. Highlights of The Powerhouse Museum, Brisbane May 31st 2015.

Tags: health, psychology

Horses and healing

All In The Mind - August 2, 2015
Most of us enjoy having other animals around us. Now theres a field that engages animals with humans in a therapeuticrelationship. In this program, one of the scientists in residence, a collaboration between RN and the University of NSW, cultural anthropologist Dr. Kirrilly Thompson takes the reins to examine the potential mutual benefits of equine assisted therapy. We also hear Jordys moving story of transformation through helping her horse Lucky overcome its fears.

Tags: depression, mental-health, anthropology-and-sociology, psychology

Love, rock 'n' roll, and 'the S word'

All In The Mind - July 12, 2015
Jeremy Oxley fronted the Australia '80s cult rock n' roll band Sunnyboys until his erratic behaviour led to its demise. After years of battling with schizophrenia he met his love, Mary Griffiths, who saved him from a life of destruction. Jeremy and Mary give their own intimate account of their second chance togethershowing the power of love, and one to one support to stabilise the lives of people with schizophrenia.

Tags: music, music, mental-health

Obsessions and compulsions

All In The Mind - June 28, 2015
Most people have strange, intrusive thoughts. They can be embarrassing or completely irrational, so we dont often talk about them. But for some these thoughts are impossible to stop, and can lead to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. We examine the nature of this disorder through one mans personal account of his obsessive and irrational fear of contracting HIV.

Tags: mental-health, psychology

Girls and autism

All In The Mind - June 21, 2015
Most people tend to think of autism as a male disorder, the character in the film Rain Man often comes to mind. But emerging research shows that girls often have different symptoms which cause them to slip through the netmisdiagnosed or undiagnosed by clinicians. We look at why girls on the autism spectrum present differently, and whether these sex differences are biological or environmental.

Tags: autism-spectrum-disorder, mental-health, psychology

The mental disorder defence

All In The Mind - June 7, 2015
In 1843 Daniel M'Naghten shot and killed the Prime Minister of Englands private secretarymistaking him for the Prime Minister. M'Naghten was under the delusion that he was being persecuted by the British government. This story provides the basis of a defence on the grounds of mental disorder in our modern law.We examine when and how mental impairment influences whether one is found guilty by the legal system and if the symptoms of mental illness are sometimes faked for a better outcome.

Tags: mental-health, law-crime-and-justice

Time or money? Why you need both to be healthy

Health: Features - June 1, 2015
Eating well, being active and maintaining relationships: most of us know what we need to do to be healthy - we just don't have the time to do it.

Tags: exercise-and-fitness, diet-and-nutrition, mental-health

Depression and #ReasonsToStayAlive

All In The Mind - May 31, 2015
At 24, acclaimed novelist Matt Haigs world suddenly fell aparthe could no longer see a reason to live. When Stephen Fry tweeted in praise of Matt Haigs latest book Reasons to Stay Alive, the twittersphere exploded. Haigs memoir is an honest and inspiring account of how he emerged from severe depression and anxiety,and learned to live again.In this program he shares the advice he gives himself about how to make the most of our time on earth.

Tags: health, depression, mental-health, psychology

Policing and people with mental illness

Big Idea - May 25, 2015
2014 was a bad year for police shootings in Queensland. There were four fatalities and in an especially bad week three people were killed by police.Half of those killed were thought to be mentally unwell. The Queensland Police Commissioner and Mental Health Commissioner, and others, discuss the difficult and complex intersection of policing and people with mental illness. What improvements are needed?

Tags: mental-health, police

The talking cure

All In The Mind - May 24, 2015
We talk with a practitioner of what's called Existential Therapyone of the tenets of which is that all human beings have an innate fear of death, and that coming to terms with this fear through therapy can lead to a more authentic life. We discuss the various styles of psychotherapy being practised today.

Tags: death, mental-health, psychology

The elephant in the roommen's mental health

All In The Mind - May 17, 2015
More than 1.3 million men in Australia experience mental health problems but too few of them seek help because of the stigma that exists, particularly for men. In this program we hear how the strategy of early intervention can ensure a better future for young men with psychosis; how a young man emerged from severe depression to create a social enterprise to help others, and the relationship between mens mental health and their ageing process.

Tags: men, suicide, mental-health, psychology

Understanding what really makes us sick

Health: Features - May 14, 2015
The lifestyle choices you make, such as diet, exercise and smoking, have a huge impact on your health. Yet most of us know nothing of the social factors that drive these.

Tags: mental-health, obesity, health-policy

On being mindful

All In The Mind - May 10, 2015
Mindfulness is everywhere these days. In this program we look at the latest science of being mindful, whether mindfulness-based therapy can really be effective for depression, why Google is encouraging it in the workplace, and the online campaign of being Mindful in May.

Tags: health, neuroscience, psychology

Is it time to cancel your appointment with Dr Google?

Health: The Pulse - May 7, 2015
Could our habit of searching for an online diagnosis at the first sign of pain or fever actually be a health issue of its own?

Tags: doctors-and-medical-professionals, psychology, anxiety

When menopause comes early

Health: Features - May 6, 2015
When hot flushes, insomnia, low libido and other symptoms associated with menopause start earlier than expected, the impact on a woman's mental health and relationships can be huge.

Tags: mental-health, menopause, womens-health

Trauma treatment

All In The Mind - April 26, 2015
When people are deeply traumatised by war, disaster or abuse their reality is distinctly different from those around them and its like they live on another planet. We hear from a pioneering researcher who says that the most powerful way to treat psychological trauma is not through the mind, but through the body. His approach may be unconventionalbut could it heal?

Tags: brain-and-nervous-system, mental-health, neuroscience, psychology

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